Thursday, May 14, 2015

Shots! Shots! Shots!

Shot #1:  Neulasta is the most painful. It's purpose is to produce more white blood cells to help fight off infection during chemo. But holy bone pain! 

This shot is given on my 3rd day post infusion (when I return the 5-FU bag). The bone pain starts within hours and lasts 3 days. These are the days I feel like Uncle Fester. Hunched over, barely wanting to move. If you stay in one position you're good, the second you move it feels like you've aged 50 years. 

The nurses told me Claritin & Benadryl can help, but you have to start it the day before the shot and by then they stopped administering the shot. The only time I didn't have pain was after returning my 5-FU bag a day later than usual, so the shot fell on 4th day post infusion. 

Shot #2:  Lupron is the most annoying. It's purpose is to put me into early menopause in hopes of maintaining fertility after I'm done with chemo. And holy hot flashes! Chemo alone causes hot flashes, so hot flash on to of hot flash. There are nights I wake up to a wet pillow. It's disgusting. 

It does have one positive affect. Having endometriosis I usually have to battle hormonal skin breakouts, but my skin has never looked better. At the same time it's darkening sun damage I received as a kid, so freckles and sun spots are loud & proud. But I'll take freckles over breakouts any day!

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