Thursday, December 15, 2016

Punk Kid Going to D.C. Part II

Thrilled to announce, after less than 24 hours, we have already been able to close our funding page! Another pair of angels stepped in and offered to cover our remaining expenses. And once again, I'm a blubbering fool. Fred and I are both floored by your generosity, and we pray your kindness will be returned ten fold!

Years ago, when my dad was diagnosed, I quickly joined the "eff" cancer bandwagon. I was scared. And angry. And it felt right to curse its existence. I was only looking at the long list of negatives that followed cancer.

Eventually I learned in order to truly beat cancer, we would need to rise above. I was determined to find and focus all my energy on the beautiful things we experienced because of cancer. And the memories we were able to make with Daddy, far outweighed the nasty cancer stuff. In spite of all the tears and pain of my own cancer diagnosis, the beauty continue to surpass the ugliness of cancer!

How can I curse this experience?! This level of God. So when you are tempted to let loose a "eff" cancer, take pause. There is good there! And if you can't find any, give me a call. Because this...the kindness and generosity of family and friends and strangers, this isn't "eff" cancer THIS is us kicking cancer butt!

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